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Employment Opportunities

Internship Program

Riff Mania Records to date has not utilized an Internship Program, but could consider an intern position if certain strict criteria could be met.

  • The candidate must be enrolled in a college or university as a junior, senior or graduate student.
  • A letter from the college or university confirming that the intern will receive college credit for the Recording Studio internship.
  • The candidate must show a strong interest in music and a commitment to performing the tasks necessary both technically and administratively in the recording studio environment.
  • Possess strong computer skills and typing proficiency.
  • Exhibit excellent "people" skills, as good relationships with our clients are a top priority.

If you feel you can meet these criteria you may contact us to request that we send you a complete Internship application with more details.

Employment Opportunities

We have a fairly small staff here at Riff Mania Records, and the event of a staff position becoming open is rare. We do accept resumes from experienced applicants, with the position of assistant engineer or promotion specialist being the most likely to come open.





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Revised: 08/09/11